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I’m playing Hookie

Well with all the stuff I have to do, it’s not really playing hookie, but I snuck back home to NOLA for 10 days to get my life here in order before the super sucky suckiness starts. 

Getting glasses, getting a new ID, doing my taxes, grabbing some summer clothes, distributing my night-blooming cereus plants to greener-thumbed friends so they survive, training some work peeps how I do what I do, getting my leaky tire fixed, getting vet appointments taken care of... there’s lots of TCB in order. 

I’m still fighting with Humana to get some things covered that the civilized world considers standard, but that Humana deems experimental. Came home to weeks of medical bills that Humana didn’t cover, totaling up to several thousand. I know I have to pay out of pocket for the cold cap, which is another $1300. All the money that goes into this is remarkable. I was on the phone with Humana several times today, even, fighting to get them to listen to me. To cover me. InHumana I call them. 

But I’m back with my sweet pup and we went to a parade, so all is once again right with the world. 

More later. 


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